Thursday, February 28, 2013

Find something you LOVE

During my run one day, I saw some young kids at a skatepark. They were skateboarding & appearing to be having the time of their lives & doing an activity that they loved. They had probably been there for hours. I was also outside running and equally, doing something that I love & enjoy. The temperature was in the 30s & there we all were outside enjoying an activity that has health benefits.

It is easier to be successful as you embark on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, if you are doing something that you love. If not LOVE, at least, really like or enjoy! You may have to be creative, but if you are open to new experiences it can be done. I have a few tips that I hope you will find helpful when trying to figure out doing something healthy that you can learn to love…

*Try lots of new activities, even if you don’t think you will be good at them or enjoy. We all know it is hard to knock something if you don’t, at least, TRY it!

Example: Many people LOVE & ENJOY Zumba! I knew I would not be very good at Zumba because I am not, exactly, a great dancer. The thought of watching my rhythm-less body in a mirror struggle to pick up these exotic dance moves gave me anxiety. I still gave it a whirl and proved myself right. My first try at Zumba, was with a friend to give someone else a laugh & to help ease my anxiety. My second try was with my husband because I knew we could struggle together. To this day, I would try it again because it is possible that there is a class out there in this world where I can pick up SOME of the moves. You have to stay open minded when it comes to exercising.

*Consider a sport or activity that you enjoyed when you were younger.

Example: If you have read my intro you know that I LOVED running in high school! The funny thing about my high school running career was that I was a sprinter & would NEVER consider running anything greater than 200 meters, or half the length of a high school track. A MILE was considered long distance to me & even though I did ONE stent of cross country…I HATED running long distance. Now, that I am an adult…I don’t have the luxury of running events that are shorter than 3 miles, generally. I also cannot maintain the same physical shape & health benefits of short distance running (the joys of being a grown up)! So, this marathoner has matured & enjoys long distance running, but you could always modify things as needed to suit your likes & dislikes. You could even consider joining a league. I know basketball, volleyball, softball, and tennis offer leagues. Do some research and find yourself a fun activity that you enjoy.

*Incorporate some of your other hobbies & interest into your healthier lifestyle.

Examples: I REALLY love music & nature! Running is awesome, but running with music as I enjoy the beauty of the world around me takes my experience to a higher level. You may enjoy reading, cooking, spending time with family/friends, surfing the internet, or watching TV. Read people’s success stories or books about being healthy; learn new healthy recipes or how to eat clean; include your family and/or friends in healthy activities; the internet seems to have an unlimited amount of resources on health…there is not a lack of information that exist, so seek it out; and lastly, change some of your TV programs to shows that focus on people or ways to be healthy. There are some cable TV networks devoted, entirely, to health. On Demand is a good resource along with your local library for health videos & material.

*Enjoy being a leader or role model!

Example: Most of us want to be a positive figure in the lives of others. Taking on a healthy lifestyle is not only beneficial to you, but beneficial to those around you. You never know when you are inspiring others. Many of my friends exercising and taking up a healthy lifestyle inspired me. If you enjoy more of an executive or leadership role gather some followers & lead them to better health. You could host a weekly run or walk, form a team for a sport, or teach something such as how to cook healthy meals.

*Slash your goals!

Example: LkM suggests that we should become goal killers! If you are like him, you may find lots of satisfaction from setting a goal and accomplishing it. Even if you are the type of person that enjoys the feeling of crossing things off their to-do list…this is for you! I would suggest that you consider training for an event! Maybe you didn’t know this, but most events geared towards running can be walked. You can walk a marathon! There are also many events, specific, to walking only. You could Google & find a training plan (personally, I like Hal Higdon & I have heard good things about Jeff Galloway) put your training schedule on a calendar & slash those daily training goals. Of course, I love running, but I also REALLY enjoy training for an event & feel like I am without a specific direction without a training plan. I have, generally, followed SOME sort of running training plan…all year long. It helps keep me focused & it could help you stay focused & MOTIVATED!

So, it is my hope that during this month of celebrating love that you are able to find a healthy outlet that you enjoy & can learn to LOVE! Is there a healthy activity that you already love or think that you could love?
* Here I am, expressing my LOVE for running!

1 comment:

  1. *music and nature* I loved that part - and it made me really miss my trail runs at Ft. H - can't wait to get back out there soon!
