Tuesday, February 12, 2013


If you want to be successful living a fit lifestyle, you need balance. Balance in your diet.  Balance with your family. Balance with you time. Balance in your mental well being. 

Write your priorities on a sheet of paper or into your phone. (Side note - studies show you're more likely to follow through if you write your goal and priorities down.)  For me, it's the following:
Fitness and Positive Living
Everything else

These are my priorities. You may have the same sequence as I do.  You need to base your priorities on where you are in your life. I placed work about fitness because, if I am having a busy week at work, I will drop a fitness workout to spend time with my kids and family.  

All these priorities are interconnected. Each one bleeds into the others. I work every day at being a better Christian,  being a better husband, better father, by supporting others on their endeavors. I work at being a good father by leading by example. I try to show my kids how to lead a positive, faith filled life. I could go on, but you get the point. 

If your new to bringing exercise into your life, make sure your family is onboard. That goes the same for eating healthier. If your family's on board, these changes will lead to less stress. When your family is supportive, you will have another group to workout with. You can take your kids out in the stroller on a walk. Your older kids can bike with you. I thinks it's important to plant the healthy lifestyle seed with your kids. If we don't teach them while they are young, they will not learn why this type of lifestyle is important. Fit living is still possible if your family is not accepting of you trying to change your life. However, it will take a lot more work.

I balance fitness by working out in the morning, before the family gets up. This lets me spend time with my kids in the afternoon. Before heading to work, I sometimes stop by the house and help get the kids ready. I am fortunate my wife, Michelle, is on onboard. Since I am an early bird and I enjoy getting up before 5a, I will get up earlier if my wife has an 8 am walk with her friends. During the week, I'll take my kids to the park and run around with them or take them hiking on the Monon Trail. 

What are your priorities?

Have a great day, 


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