Monday, April 22, 2013

Hello? *tap ,tap* Is this thing on? (an introduction)

Hi, Everyone! I’m new here – Emily.

A few weeks ago, the Be F.I.T. Crew asked me if I could join them to add content, support and hopefully, more inspiration as well! I was thrilled! The 3 individuals who started this group have inspired, supported, pushed and struggled right along with me for at least the last couple of years. I am BLESSED to know each of them!

Here’s a little about me:
I am 36, married and have 2 daughters – 6 and 3 years old. I have a fantastic job with a full-service Marketing Agency as an Account Manager. I have a very supportive husband whom I love very much. Without his support of my journey to a fit life, none of this would be nearly as possible as it is now.

After the birth of my youngest daughter- I found myself at my highest weight ever and a seemingly insurmountable task: to get healthy or not be able to keep up with my kids. I’ve been lucky that I was never plagued with many of the problems that often creep up on obese adults- I was not pre-diabetic, all my levels were fine; but I was not comfortable or happy in my own skin. I had been very athletic in junior high and high school- tennis, swimming- I loved being active. Somewhere between starting to work in high school and learning to curb the partying in college- I lost that athletic edge. I paid no attention to my diet or what I used to “fuel” my body. To top it off, I’m a hard-core foodie. I love food. Good for you food, not-so-good for you food and BAD for you food, I love it all. It was when I was about 7 months pregnant that I decided I had to find the balance of it all. Fitness, health and diet – balance these things, get comfortable in my own skin, accept my flaws and improve all that I can, better every day. At 7 months pregnant, I signed up for a Ragnar Relay race with 11 other friends that would take place 6 months after my daughter was born. Talk about motivation to get moving!

I started running with the Couch-to-5K plan. It wasn’t easy, and sometimes, it was absolutely grueling. Running for 30 seconds seemed impossible. I kept going, I kept pushing- I found the strength within to push past those hurdles (or tell the voice in my head to shut up!) and eventually, I learned to LOVE running. I’ll be sure to share more about battling those mental demons and overcoming obstacles in running as I write more.

More recently, in the last year, I’ve also picked up CrossFit. CF has given me the ability to accept my flaws and want to work every day on getting stronger, fitter, faster, more flexible and the best me that I can be. I’m excited to share stories and workout plans  - I promise, you can do amazing things if you just believe!

In the end, the thing I still struggle with most is food. I try to eat clean as much as possible but sometimes the pressure of a tight schedule, hungry kids and more work to do can tempt even the hardcore clean eaters. That’s where I need your help, support, suggestions and strategies!

Looking forward to being an official part of the crew!

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